Halloween Wow


Photograph: Museum of Modern Art | October 2016

Pumpkin: Maniac Pumpkin Carvers

Putin, Meet Newman

Putin | Randy Newman | 2016

From Pussy With Riot

Organs | Nadya Tolokonnikova | 2016

Straight Outta Vagina | Nadya Tolokonnikova | 2016

Make America Great Again | Nadya Tolokonnikova | 2016



Trump TV Again

Screen Shot 2016-10-18 at 3.18.59 PM

This short piece speaks directly to why, from the get-go of this TrumpTV speculation, I haven't bought any of it. Maybe it's his son-in-law's dream but it doesn't jibe with the Trump we know: 1) he’s too cheap (and maybe not wealthy enough) to self fund and it would be an investment inherently too volatile for serious outside investors, 2) his attention span is too short to give the project the energy required to make it a success, and 3) I can't see him exposing himself to the possibility of bad ratings that he can't blame on anyone else.

My guess: if he loses, Trump will become a part-time Fox goon and a full-time Twitter goblin. Grim.

Blue and Lonesome


Producer Don Was in Le Figaro (of all places): “The album consists of covers of blues songs of Chicago. It was recorded live in the studio in just three days, with the musicians in a circle around the microphones. There was no retouching on the pieces... The record sounds very crude, very authentic. It captures the essence of what [the Stones] are.”

It's been painful watching and listening to the Stones over the past few years but maybe this will be small and OK, maybe just the right project to sing them off the stage and into retirement.

Release date: December 2 2016.

[UPDATE DEC 2 2016: Oh well……….]

Vin Scully


I’ve been watching the Dodgers-Giants game on Comcast Sports Net Bay Area, live from AT&T Park.

I’ve been following the progress of the Pirates-Cardinals game on an iPad via the MLB app.

But mostly I’ve been listening to the Dodgers-Giants game on KLAC AM radio in Los Angeles, via the MLB app on an iPhone 7, with the iPhone more than adequately transubstantiating itself as a transistor radio so that I can wrap myself in the final broadcast of the legendary Vin Scully. At 88 years of age, his voice is still like a river of warm caramel winding through the last 67 years of American baseball history, and this afternoon I’ve been swimming in it.

It was 80 years ago today, to the day, that eight-year-old Vincent Edward Scully saw a box score posted in the window of a neighborhood store in the Bronx: the New York Yankees had beaten the New York Giants 18-4 in Game Two of the 1936 World Series. Scully recalled that moment during today’s broadcast, saying it was the day he fell in love with baseball. October 2 2016 is the day he chose to be the last of his career because of that anniversary.

My game summary for today:

The Giants win and earn themselves a wild card berth in Postseason 2016.

The Dodgers lose and go on to play the Washington Nationals in DC on Friday in the NL Playoffs.

Baseball moves on but its great gentleman and living treasure has called his last out and signed off for the last time.

Mic drop.

Photograph: Dominic DiSaia